Poulan motorsåg PP400E Manual

16 Sidor Engelska

Poulan motorsåg PP400E
S Check chain tension before first use
and after 1 minute of operation. See
S Cut wood only. Do not cut metal, plas-
ti cs, masonry, non-wood building mate-
rials, etc.
S Stop the saw if the chain strike s a for-
eign object. Inspect the saw and repair
parts as necessary.
S Keep the chain out of dirt and sand.
Even a small amount of dirt will quickly
dull a chain and increase the possibility
of kickback.
S Practice cutt ing a few small logs using
the following steps. This will help you get
the “feel” of using your saw before you
begin a major sawing operation.
S Squeeze tri gger switch and allow unit
to reach full speed before cutti ng.
S Begin cutting with the saw frame
against the log.
S Keep the motor at full speed the en-
tire time you are cutting.
S Release the trigger switch as soon
as the cut is completed, allowing the
motor to stop.
S Keep the cord away from the cutting
area . Position cord so it wil l not be
caught on branches and the like dur-
ing cutting.
S To a void losing control when cut is
complete, do not p ut pressure on
saw at end of cut.
S Stop motor bef ore setting saw down.
WARNING: Check for broken or
dead branches which can fall while cut-
ting c ausing s erious injury. Do not cut
near buildings or electrical wires if you
do not k now the direction of tree fall, nor
cut at night since you will not be able to
see well, nor during bad weather such
as rain, s now, or strong winds, etc. If the
tree does make contact with any utility
line, the utility company should be noti-
fied immediately.
S Carefull y plan your sawing operation in
S Clear the work area. You need a clear
area all around the tr ee so you can have
secur e foot ing.
S The c hain saw operator should k eep
on the uphill side of the terrain as the
tree is likely to roll or slide downhill af-
ter it is felled.
S Study the natural conditions that can
cause the tree to fall in a particular direc-
tion, such as:
S The wind direction and sp eed.
S The lean of the tree. The le an of a tr e e
mi gh t not be appar e nt due to uneven
or sloping terrain. Use a plumb or level
to det ermi ne the directio n of tre e lean.
S Weight and branches on one side.
S Surrounding trees and o bstacles.
S Look for decay and rot. If the trunk is
rotted, it can snap a nd fall toward the
S Make sure there is enough room for
the tree to fall. Maintain a distance of
2-1/2 tree lengths from the nearest per-
son or o ther objects. Noise can drown
out a warning call.
S Remove dirt, stones, loose bark, nails,
staples, and wire from the tree where
cuts are to be made.
Direction of Fall
Plan a clear retreat path
(6 inches in diameter or larger)
The notch method is used to fell large
trees. A not ch is cut on the side of the tree
in the desired direction of fall. After a felling
the tree will tend to fall in the direction of
the notch.
NOTE: If tree has large buttress roots,
remove them before making the notch. If
using saw to remove buttress roots,
keep saw c hain from contacting ground
to prevent dulling of the c hain.
S Make notch cut by cutti ng the top of the
notc h fi rst . C ut throu g h
1/3 of the
diameter of the tree. Next complet e the
notch by cutting the bottom. See illustra-
tion. Once the notch is cut, remove the
First cut
Second cut
Final cut here
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